1. General:
1.1. The NYX brand website is a website providing information about NYX hotels in Israel and Europe belonging to the Fattal hotel chain (hereinafter respectively: “Site/Website” and “Hotels”).
1.2. The Site is owned, maintained and operated by Fattal Hotels Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel, P.C. 51-067881-6 (hereinafter: “Site operator” and/or “Company”).
1.3 The site is used solely for the purpose of displaying information regarding the hotels, where the booking of vacation/vacation packages in the hotels is done directly through dedicated booking sites to which site users are directed when clicking on the booking option on the site, depending on the site language and country where the relevant hotel is located, according to the following links: (1) www.fattal.co.il; (2) www.fattal-hotels.com; (3) www.Leonardo-hotels.com, (4) www.jurysinns.com and/or other sites as determined by the site operator from time to time (hereinafter: “Booking sites”).
1.4 It is clarified that the booking of vacation/vacation packages at the hotels are subject to the provisions of the relevant booking site regulations (hereinafter: “Booking site/sites regulations”), and it is clarified that the Company is not responsible to the user and/or anyone on its behalf for any matter related and/or arising from the vacation booking process on the booking site.
1.5. Browsing the Site and using it, including filling out of electronic forms on the Site and/or placing an order for any of the services provided by the Site and/or by the booking sites, constitutes the User’s consent to all provisions and terms appearing in these Regulations, without any restrictions and/or reservations. User and/or those on its behalf will not have any claim and/or suit, directly and/or indirectly, against the Site and/or against the booking sites and/or the Company and/or any of its owners and/or any of its managers and/or anyone on its behalf.
1.6. The provisions of these Regulations are also applicable to browsing and/or using the Site with any computer or other communication device (cell phones, laptops, etc.).
1.7. Parts of the Site and these Regulations are worded in the male gender for convenience purposes only, but all that is stated in the Regulations and the Site applies to both women and men.
1.8. These Regulations and those of the booking sites complement each other, and do not detract from each other.
1.9. The chapter titles are provided for convenience and orientation only and may not be used for its interpretation.
2. Terms of use of the Site:
2.1 The Company and/or any of its owners and/or managers and/or any of its employees and/or anyone on its behalf will not be liable, in any way, for an error made by the user in entering the purchase details on the booking sites, including but not limited to, an error in selecting the vacation package, date, number of beds, meals and any other service ordered by the user through the site and/or through the booking sites, and User hereby declares that it will not have any claim and/or suit and/or demand towards them in this matter.
2.2. The Company will not be responsible for the content and essence of the information displayed and published on the Site originating from any third parties, including the Booking sites, and User will not have any claim and/or suit and/or demand against the Company as a result.
2.3. User hereby declares that it is aware that use of the Site entails many risks, both due to the technology involved and due to the human factors operating through the Internet.
2.4. The Site or its contents may not be used for commercial purposes or any other use, except as specified in these Regulations, without the prior written consent of the Company. For the avoidance of doubt it is clarified that User may use this Website solely for the purpose of ordering and purchasing the services through the Booking sites and/or receipt of information from the Company.
2.5. The Company is not responsible for damage of any kind and type that may be caused as a result of failure and/or delay of any kind and/or type, arising from use of the Site and/or an attempt to make such use, including use for the purpose of ordering services through the booking sites and/or information, and User will have no claim and/or a suit and/or demand towards the Company and/or anyone on its behalf in connection with the aforesaid.
2.6. The Company takes all measures to ensure that the information is as true and accurate as possible, but the information does not purport to be a complete, full or detailed analysis of all the issues listed therein and constitutes only general and partial information, based, inter alia, on data acquired by the Company from third parties.
2.7. The information is displayed on the Site as is, the Company and/or any of its owners and/or any of its managers and/or any of its employees and/or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible for the suitability of the information to User’s needs and are not liable to User for its inability to use the information for any reason. User undertakes to be solely responsible for the manner in which it uses the information.
2.8. Without derogating from the above, the Company will be entitled to block any User from using the Site and/or from placing an order on the booking sites, in any of the following cases:
2.8.1. If in the opinion of the Site operator and/or the Company User intentionally provided false and/or incorrect information when registering/booking a room. It is hereby clarified that entering false purchase information may be criminal offense and that the Company and/or Site operator may be entitled to take all the measures available to them under any law against the false registree; Including recourse to the courts for damages caused or that may be caused to the Site, the Company and/or the Site operator and/or to anyone on their behalf.
If the Site operator and/or the Company is of the opinion that User has committed an act and/or omission that damages and/or may damage the Site operator and/or the Company and/or any third parties, including customers of the Site operator.
2.8.3. If the Site operator and/or the Company is of the opinion that User made illegal use of the Site and/or used the Site’s services to commit an illegal act and/or to enable, facilitate, assist and/or encourage the performance of such an act.
2.8.4. If the Site operator and/or the Company is of the opinion that User violated the terms of these Regulations and/or any additional agreement with the Site operator and/or the Company and/or anyone on their behalf.
2.8.5. The credit card held by User has been blocked or restricted in any way
3. Cancellation of an order: insofar as is carried out by User, shall be carried out in accordance with what is stated on the Booking sites, in accordance with the regulations in the relevant site and in accordance with the applicable law.
4. Reception times and vacating of rooms:
Reception times and vacating of rooms in accordance with what is stated in the Booking sites, pursuant to regulations appearing in the relevant site and under the applicable law.
5. Ownership and Copyright:
5.1. The copyright on the Site and any other module associated with the Site are the property of the Company alone.
5.2. The trademarks and icons, including the logo, displayed on this Site (hereinafter: “Trademarks”) are legally registered as Company copyright and their use as trademarks for any purpose prohibited without the Company’s prior written consent.
5.3. By its browsing of the Site, User hereby declares that it is aware that the trademarks, information and trade secrets associated with the Site are the property of the Company. It is hereby declared that User is not permitted to make any use of the rights belonging to the Company and/or any third party, including copyrights and trademarks exposed during the use and browsing of the Site. The services provided on the Site and all the information contained therein are the property of the Company and are protected according to and under the copyright laws of the State of Israel.
5.4. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, publish, sell, reproduce, transmit, photograph or modify the information appearing on the Site or any part thereof without the Company’s prior written consent. The provision applies whether the information or part thereof is owned by the Company or owned by a third party, except in cases of downloads for personal and non-commercial use.
5.5. User undertakes not to distort or amend the information in any way, or perform any action that may impair the accuracy and reliability of the information or the Company’s integrity or reputation as holder of the copyright therein, or that of any other party on its behalf.
5.6. In order to link and/or display the Site on other sites on the Internet, so that it constitutes a “linked site”, one must obtain the Company’s prior written approval.
6. Privacy, Direct Mailing and Promotional Content
6.1. Our use of personal information provided by you or other content collected by us in regard to using or browsing the website, is subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy, which can be reviewed on https://www.nyx-hotels.com/privacy-policy , please carefully read the Policy.
6.2. We will apply reasonable efforts to protect the information provided by you in regard to using or browsing the website, yet you hereby confirm and agree that you are providing such details at your personal risk and we will not be responsible and/or liable in any way, for any disclosure and/or loss of details and contents as said.
6.3. The Company and/or anyone on its behalf might contact you in the future with direct mailing based on the details you provided, including in matters that do not concern these terms of use, as well send you any sort of marketing and/or promotional offers, including for upgrading an invitation performed by a user, all in various mailing channels, including (yet not only) by email, SMS, WhatsApp etc. By agreeing to these terms of use, you agree to receive notices, offers and mail as said.
It is clarified that the user is entitled, at his or her demand, to be removed from the Company’s database and/or a database by anyone on its behalf or to instruct that information concerning the user will not be provided to any person, group of persons or certain people, all for a limited period of time or permanently, all by giving the Company explicit written notice stating the user’s demand to be removed from the database. It is also clarified that if a user will not be interested in receiving referrals, the user has the right to request that his name be removed from the mailing list (inter alia by marking the suitable box in an email sent to him (if sent) or by sending registered mail or an email to the Company).
7. General
7.1. The number of spaces in the hotels is limited and a booking is based on availability only in accordance with the booking sites’ regulations.
7.2. The Company is entitled to cancel or amend as all the information including prices published on the Site and/or on the booking sites at any time and this at its sole discretion.
7.3. The Company will be entitled, at its sole discretion and without notice, to change these Regulations, the terms of use of the Site, the structure of the Site, its content and appearance, from time to time, including the scope and availability of the services offered therein and any other aspect of the Site and its operation. The said changes will come into force as of the date of their publication on the Site, and any such change will be valid immediately following its publication and thereafter and will be binding of User unless expressly stated otherwise.
7.4. All images displayed on the Site are for illustration purposes only – since the images are displayed on User’s computer screen and/or printed by User off its computer display, there may be differences and variations between the appearance of the hotels and/or services and/or rooms presented in the images and their appearance in reality.
7.5. The Site contains links (hereinafter: “Links”) to other websites (hereinafter: “Linked sites”). Said links are intended for User’s convenience and for such purpose only. The Company is not responsible for the links and/or the linked sites and/or the information appearing therein, and/or their validity, and/or their veracity and/or legality. Any use and/or accessing of links and/or linked sites is under the sole responsibility of User.
7.6. The Company and/or the Site operator and/or any of their owners and/or managers and/or employees and/or any of them or those on their behalf, will not bear any responsibility for the server through which the Site operates, including to the said server being free of viruses and/or other components which may damage User’s personal computer while browsing the Site and/or purchasing services through the Site and/or any other use thereof, delay and/or postponement in receiving the information due to congestion in communication lines, disruption including omission, error, inaccuracy or outdated information due to disruption and/or a malfunction in the means of communication, hardware, or software in User’s computer systems, or that of the Company or for any other reason; And User will not have any claim and/or suit and/or demand towards the Company and/or towards the Site operator and/or any of their owners and/or any of their managers and/or employees and/or anyone on their behalf in connection with such damages.
7.7. The Company is not responsible for any illegal activity carried out, insofar as is carried out, by any of the Site users and/or any other entity over which it has no control.
7.8. Any dispute and/or conflict in connection with these Regulations and/or the Website, if and to the extent that such arises, shall be heard in Israel, in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel and in the competent courts in the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa only.
7.9. The Site’s Regulations may be found at the Company’s offices at: 94 Yigal Alon St., Migdal Alon 2, 23rd floor, Tel Aviv.
7.10. The Company may be contacted by telephone at _ 972-3-5110016/7_or for support via email info@fattal.co.il.